Sigma Talent Society | home
Individuals interested in pledging the Sigma Talent Society should read our Constitution located below and contact our Presidential Office:
Attn: Office of the President
565 Falcon Dr
Saint Louis, MO 63031
Office of the President: (314)651-4931
The name of this organization shall be:
Alpha Alpha Chapter of the Sigma Talent Society
The organization is a not for profit organization.
The Objectives of the organization shall be:
To promote interest and integrity in the field of Entertainment and its allied interests.
To promote fellowship among members of the film, talent and entertainment community.
To represent members needs and wants in regard to fostering and promoting a fraternal spirit among its members within the field of Entertainment.
To represent members in the entertainment business through personal and society promotion while continuing to educate and support members in their endeavors to work in the field of Entertainment.
To provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the Local and Worldwide Community.
Any person who is a model, actor, writer, director, agent, cinematographer, photographer, etc. or in any way works in the Entertainment or Marketing Field is eligible to be an active member and may hold office.
Non-field members may act as associate members, but may not vote or hold office.
Any eligible person may become a member of the Society by receiving the favorable vote of three-fourth (3/4) vote of the active members of the Alpha Alpha Chapter before which the individuals name has been proposed, by signing the Constitution and Bylaws, thereby agreeing to abide by them, by paying his/her initiation fee, and by receiving proper initiation.
No active member of Sigma Talent Society shall join any other professional Talent Society, except for University Fraternities and Honor Societies that are primarily devoted to recognizing scholarship and/or leadership. Any member who joins another professional Talent Society other than educational or honorary shall be expelled. Screen Actors Guild and Actors Unions are also allowed so long as their bylaws and constitution is accepted and initiation in the organization is ratified by the Presidential Counsel.
The officers of the Alpha Alpha Chapter shall consist of the Worthy Chief Counselor (WCC) as President, Worthy Vice Counselor (WVC) as Vice President, Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals (WKRS) as Secretary, Worthy Correspondent (WC) as Corresponding Secretary, Worthy Keeper of Finance (WKF) as Treasurer, Worthy Master-at Arms (WMA), Worthy Alumni Liaison (WAL), and such other officers as may be required or desirable.
In the event that an officer resigns or is impeached, the members and remaining officers may submit nominations for that open office. The office will be decided on by the majority vote of teh Presidential Counsel.
Any member of the Alpha Alpha Chapter is eligible to hold office if elected.
Officers of this chapter will be elected by written ballot. The individual receiving a majority of the votes for the respective office shall be declared the winner.
Any chapter officer may be removed from office by the following procedure:
A petition requesting impeachment signed by a majority of the active members shall be presented to the WCC.
This petition and the evidence for removal shall be presented to the chapter within two weeks.
A meeting shall follow within two weeks from the time the petition is submitted to the chapter, at which time the officer shall have the opportunity to present evidence in his/her defense. At that time the officer may be removed from office by ¾ vote of the active chapter members. This may be vetoed by the Presidential Counsel's majority vote.
If the officer in question is the WCC, the WVC shall preside at the meetings.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of WCC the WVC shall succeed to that office.
This constitution and by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of those voting, a quorum being present.
Voting on amendments must be conducted after a minimum notice of 30 days.
Not-for-profit Statement
This is a not-for-profit organization.
Statement of Non-discrimination
This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of age, color, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability or handicap, race, religion, sexual orientation, Vietnam Era veteran status. This policy will include, but is not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities or opportunities to hold office.
Financial Obligations
Members will be responsible for annual dues as are determined by the Grand Council of the national Sigma Talent Society. Such moneys will be collected by the Alpha Alpha Chapter and transferred to the Grand Council in full.
Members will be responsible for any other monetary obligations as determined by a majority vote of the chapter, a quorum being present.
Statement of Non-Hazing
This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
Statement of Compliance
This organization shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
Chapter Meetings
Meeting times will be determined by the WCC, who will provide a 3 day notice as to the time and location of the meeting.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2003
Duties of Officers
It shall be the duty of the President to call the meeting to order at the appointed time; to preside over the meeting; to decide all points of order; to preserve decorum; to enforce the Constitution and Bylaws; to levy all fines; to act in all ways as the chief executive of the chapter; and to turn over to his/her successor all documents and property belonging to his/her office. The President may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Vice President to perform all the duties and exercise all the authority of the President in his/her absence; to deliver to his/her successor all documents and property belonging to his/her office. The Vice President may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a complete record of all the proceedings; to preserve manuscripts and records of the Chapter; to call roll at each meeting; to perform all other duties pertaining to the office; to deliver his/her successor all documents and property belonging to his/her office. The Secretary may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect and keep all money, chattels, and securities of the Chapter; to render a written account of the same at each meeting; to pay bills and obligations to the order of the Chapter; and to deliver to his/her successor all documents and property belonging to his/her office. The Treasurer may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Master-at-Arms to attend the door of the council chamber; to receive the password; to prepare the council chamber; to have charge of the regalia and of all candidates for initiation; to perform any other duties pertaining to the office; and to deliver to his/her successor all documents and property belonging to his/her office. The Master-at-Arms may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Correspondent to receive all incoming correspondence; to prepare and mail all outgoing correspondence and to deliver to his/her successor all documents belonging to his/her office. The Correspondent may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Alumni Liaison to contact chapter alumni for chapter functions and to deliver to his/her successor all documents and property belonging to the office. The Alumni Liaison may hold office so long as they are sustained by a majority vote in the election. There is no limit to the amount of terms the individual may serve.
It shall be the duty of the Active Member to:
Provide Photos, Resume, Composite Cards, Headshots, Audio demos, etc. to be had on file for promotion of the member.
Pay dues on time and any other fees required as deemed by Presidential Counsel
Invest minimum allotted time per month as deemed by Presidential Counsel.
Attend minimum number of events per tri-year period as deemed by the Presidential Counsel.
Must provide at LEAST one Photo to be placed online in the Societys web page for viewing. This Photo must not be elicit in any way, it may be a head shot or full length shot although a head shot is preferred. The picture must accurately show the member as they currently appear.
If the member chooses to change their appearance in any way that would make the picture they have online inaccurate they must provide a new picture within 30 days or their pictures will be taken down until they submit a new picture.
Participate in allotted committees per year as deemed by the Presidential Counsel
Participate in a bi-monthly Chapter meeting as organized and scheduled by the Presidential Counsel